Hey, in lieu of a long email today, I’ve got a quick favor to ask…
Would you be willing to share your music income data from 2024?
If you’re like me, asking other people how they manage their money can make you feel like one of those people who stands outside of the grocery store and tries to get passerby to donate money to dying hermit crabs. “Is it worth the awkwardness?” you ask yourself.
In this case, I think it’s worth the awkwardness. Because artistry is valuable, and understanding how to make money from it can give you more opportunities to make art.
Toward that end, last week I outlined a couple of paths toward making money as a musician. Partly due to the positive response to that newsletter – but largely just because I want to – I’m going to be writing more on the topic.
I think I’ll do a better job of writing about it if I can work from more than my own anecdotal experience.
➡️ Here’s a nine-question survey.
It’s totally anonymous, it’s pretty short, and I’d be really grateful if you filled it out. My goal with this survey is to ascertain two basic things:
1) How musicians make money
2) How much money musicians make
My hope is that the answers will be useful to all of us. And the more responses we get, the more validity the data will have – so again, please, if you have two minutes, I’d love your input.
Next week, I’ll share the results, along with my two cents on what they mean.
I’ve done this twice before, most recently two years ago. Here’s what things looked like in 2022. I’m super curious to see if things have changed markedly since then; I have a hunch they have.
I think that’s it for today. But I’ll end with a big blue button, since I’m told it improves click-through rates.
Thanks, as always, for reading.
– Jon