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“Actually, this is the only music marketing newsletter I read.”
Jon’s Mom

How Much Money Do Musicians Make?

$13,327. That’s how much money the average musician made in 2024, according to my incredibly unscientific (but still very interesting) survey of this very email list. Honestly, that number is a little higher than I expected, although it overstates things a bit. The data is a little wobbly with outliers;

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How to Making a Living as a Musician in 2025

Here is a simple, three-step plan to make a livable income as a musician: 1. You write a mediocre song.2. You play that mediocre song at a coffee shop open mic.2. After playing the coffee shop, you go to a 7-Eleven and buy what turns out to be a winning

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Spin Promo Review: The Results of My $299 Campaign

Ever heard of Spin Promo? I had not… Until I started getting near-daily emails from them last fall. I don’t think I’d ever signed up to their email list, although I could definitely be wrong. Past Jon has done all sorts of things I don’t remember, some of which, frankly

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Why You Shouldn’t Over-Focus on One Data Point

Here’s my soapbox for today: Numbers don’t mean anything in isolation. Except for the number 42, obviously. Every other number requires context to be useful. I’ve been reminded of this as I’ve looked over a bunch of Spotify for Artist accounts and Meta ad campaigns; I’m doing some end-of-year review

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Spotify Marketing Mini Course

Five video and text lessons that break down the only four proven ways to grow on Spotify, based on hundreds of campaigns.

“Through the guidance you’ve provided, my Spotify streams have seen a remarkable increase—from less than a hundred monthly listeners to nearly 20,000 streams on my latest release.” – Past Student